Best three things to bring or prepare for a trip to The Victoria Falls, Zambia/Zimbabwe

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Header image for Best three things to bring or prepare for a trip to The Victoria Falls, Zambia/Zimbabwe. travel. Some advice in 2024 for Best three things to bring or prepare for a trip to The Victoria Falls, Zambia/Zimbabwe

Best Three Things to Bring or Prepare for a Trip to The Victoria Falls, Zambia/Zimbabwe

1. Camera or Smartphone with a Good Camera

One of the best things to bring on a trip to The Victoria Falls is a camera or a smartphone with a good camera. The falls offer breathtaking views and capturing those moments will allow you to relive the experience later. Whether you are an amateur or a professional photographer, having a camera will help you capture the beauty of the falls and the surrounding landscapes. Make sure to bring extra memory cards and batteries to avoid running out of storage or power during your visit.


  • Preserve memories of the stunning Victoria Falls.
  • Share your experiences with friends and family.
  • Opportunity to improve photography skills.


  • Extra equipment to carry around.
  • Potential risk of damage or loss.
  • Distraction from fully immersing yourself in the experience.

Website: National Geographic - Photographing Victoria Falls

2. Comfortable Walking Shoes

Exploring The Victoria Falls involves a fair amount of walking, so it is essential to bring comfortable walking shoes. The falls are surrounded by lush rainforest, and there are various trails and viewpoints to explore. Comfortable shoes will ensure that you can navigate the terrain with ease and enjoy your visit without discomfort or blisters.


  • Comfortable walking experience.
  • Reduced risk of foot-related issues.
  • Ability to explore the trails and viewpoints without limitations.


  • May not be suitable for formal or dressy occasions.
  • Extra weight in your luggage.
  • May not be needed if you plan to view the falls from a distance.

Website: Travel Dudes - What to Wear to Victoria Falls

3. Rain Gear or Waterproof Bag

When visiting The Victoria Falls, you are likely to encounter mist and spray from the falls, especially during the rainy season. To protect your belongings, it is advisable to bring rain gear or a waterproof bag. This will ensure that your camera, phone, and other valuable items stay dry and functional, allowing you to capture the beauty of the falls without worrying about water damage.


  • Protection for your belongings from water damage.
  • Peace of mind while exploring the falls during the rainy season.
  • Ability to capture stunning photos even in misty conditions.


  • Extra weight to carry around.
  • May not be necessary during the dry season.
  • Additional cost if purchasing rain gear specifically for the trip.

Website: Zambia Tourism - Victoria Falls

Evaluating the Best Three Things to Bring or Prepare for a Trip to The Victoria Falls

When evaluating the best things to bring or prepare for a trip to The Victoria Falls, several factors should be considered:

  • Relevance: How essential is the item or preparation to enhance your experience at the falls?
  • Practicality: Is it feasible to bring or prepare the item without significant inconvenience?
  • Cost: What is the price range for the item or preparation, and does it provide good value for the experience?
  • Weather conditions: Consider the season and weather patterns to determine the necessity of certain items.
  • Personal preferences: Tailor your choices based on your interests, hobbies, and comfort levels.

What to Look for When Considering a Trip to The Victoria Falls

When considering a trip to The Victoria Falls, it is important to research and plan accordingly. Here are some key aspects to look for:

  • Best time to visit: Determine the ideal season and weather conditions that align with your preferences.
  • Visa requirements: Check if you need a visa to enter Zambia or Zimbabwe, depending on which side of the falls you plan to visit.
  • Accommodation options: Explore various accommodation options, such as hotels, lodges, or campsites, and consider their proximity to the falls.
  • Activities and attractions: Research the different activities available, such as boat cruises, helicopter tours, or wildlife safaris, to make the most of your visit.
  • Health and safety: Familiarize yourself with any necessary vaccinations, travel advisories, or safety precautions to ensure a smooth and secure trip.

Additional Considerations for a Trip to The Victoria Falls

Aside from the three recommended items, there are a few additional considerations to enhance your trip to The Victoria Falls:

  • Sunscreen and insect repellent: Protect yourself from the sun and potential insect bites while exploring the falls and surrounding areas.
  • Binoculars: Spot wildlife and enjoy a closer look at the falls by bringing a pair of binoculars.
  • Travel insurance: Consider obtaining travel insurance to safeguard against any unforeseen circumstances or emergencies during your trip.
  • Cash and currency: Ensure you have enough local currency for entrance fees, transportation, and other expenses, as not all places may accept credit cards.
  • Respect for the environment: Follow guidelines and regulations to preserve the natural beauty of the falls and surrounding ecosystem.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the best time to visit The Victoria Falls?

The best time to visit The Victoria Falls is from February to May when the water flow is at its peak, offering a spectacular display. However, the falls can be visited year-round, each season offering a unique experience.

2. Can I visit The Victoria Falls from both Zambia and Zimbabwe?

Yes, The Victoria Falls can be accessed from both Zambia and Zimbabwe. The falls are shared by the two countries, and each side offers different viewpoints and experiences.

3. Are there any safety concerns when visiting The Victoria Falls?

While The Victoria Falls are generally safe to visit, it is important to follow safety guidelines and avoid venturing into restricted areas. Pay attention to warning signs and be cautious of slippery surfaces near the falls.

4. Are there any additional activities to enjoy besides viewing the falls?

Absolutely! There are various activities to enjoy, such as river cruises, bungee jumping, helicopter tours, wildlife safaris, and cultural tours. Research the options available and choose activities that align with your interests.

5. Can I bring my own food and drinks to The Victoria Falls?

Yes, you can bring your own food and drinks to The Victoria Falls. However, be mindful of littering and dispose of waste responsibly to preserve the natural environment.

6. Are there any restrictions on photography at The Victoria Falls?

There are no specific restrictions on photography at The Victoria Falls. However, it is advisable to respect the privacy of others and follow any guidelines provided by tour operators or park authorities.

7. Is it necessary to book accommodation in advance?

It is recommended to book accommodation in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons, to secure your preferred choice and ensure availability.

8. Can I swim in The Victoria Falls?

Swimming in The Victoria Falls is not permitted due to the strong currents and potential dangers. However, there are designated swimming areas nearby, such as the Devil's Pool, where you can enjoy a unique swimming experience.

What to Do Next

Now that you have a better understanding of what to bring and prepare for a trip to The Victoria Falls, start planning your adventure! Research the best time to visit, explore accommodation options, and create an itinerary that allows you to make the most of this natural wonder.

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